
Milazzo, what do they say the guides:
“This city that rises on the site of the ancient Milae; it has, of course, fascination” (Routard)
“To the root of a language of land surrounded by the most beautiful beaches” (De Agostini)
“Crystalline and crisp sea” (Clup)
“Small town of remarkable environmental interest and historian - artiatico” (Touring Club)
“Surrounded at the most beautiful beaches” (Beautiful Italy)
“Enchanting colours show: the intense, mixed green one to the burnt chestnuts of the Mediterranean spot that covers the rocky spur, gets married with the blue of the sea” (Michelin)
“A thin hemmed peninsula of spiaggette” (Guides of the sun)
“His history antichissima, his remarkable archaeological property, the extraordinary beauty of his views do from Milazzo one of the most important and frequented centres of the Sicily” (The good Italian life)
“It rises to the graft of a thin and lengthened peninsula, scanned by enchanting mortises” (Middle Ages guides)
“One of the most scenographic promontories of the island” (unknown Sicily, Rizzoli)
“Different tourists know the beauty with the city and regularly they crowd the beaches” (The rough guides)

 Marina Garibaldi - Milazzo


Milazzo art city boasts monuments of prominent importance, the Norman - Arab origin castle today declared national Monument where in his interior in 1608 the cathedral of Milazzo rose.
The ancient village, the most vivacious place, rich of ristorantini, pub and point of meeting place of the youth who liven up the evenings it, hindered by the near square of Immaculate quiet place where it is possible to gaze at a striking view on Milazzo.
The Byzantine antichissima chiesetta of Santa Caterina of Alexandria risalente to the Vll century.
The church of Rosario decorated with stuccoes and frescoes of 700. The sanctuary of S.Francesco di Paola, valuable Sicilian baroque. The palace of the Viceking and of the Governors
 Milazzo - Il Promontorio
“Milazzo è uno di quei posti dove il turista più facilmente Sente il fascino delle bellezze della natura.
Sul suo promontorio dall’infinità di angoli ed insenature, si svelano panorami di bellezza insuperabile.
La simultanea visione dei tre vulcani, Etna, Vulcano e Stromboli,è uno spettacolo veramente superbo.”

AEROVISIVO - MILAZZO "Penisola Eoliana" from Francesco Romagnolo on Vimeo

Blog su Milazzo: http://benvenutiamilazzo.blogspot.it/

Altre risorse in rete su Milazzo:

Milazzo - Penisola del Sole

Il promontorio di Milazzo

Eventi - Comune di Milazzo

Milazzo su Wikipedia

Meteo Milazzo

Aquatica Diving


